Take a look at some
of our projects


Comprehensive Online Shopping Returns Solution

A logistics solution for a U.S.-based client, focusing on simplifying online shopping returns and shipping, making them as effortless as order placement to boost consumer confidence in online shopping.


Seamless Health Care Made Easy

Reshaping Healthcare Delivery through a multi-platform solution, offering patients flexible office, onsite, and telemedicine options, while enabling providers to efficiently manage schedules and profiles.


Revolutionizing Retail and Restaurant Management

A holistic SaaS solution for restaurant and store owners that streamlines storefront and delivery management, enhancing customer ordering and delivery efficiency with a tailored, unified ecosystem.


Transforming Township Licensing through Digital Innovation

Our SaaS platform revolutionizes business licensing and permitting for townships like Newark and Irvington, streamlining previously cumbersome processes into efficient, paperless solutions


Disrupting Resume Writing with AI

This case study delves into how Resumod's user-friendly, AI-powered platform is transforming the job market by enabling anyone to create professional, visually appealing resumes quickly and effortlessly.

HelloVerify Certifier

Streamlining Vendor Screening Process

Empowering B2B SaaS with Enhanced Vendor Verification, a case study on fostering trust and transparency in supplier screening, aligning with regulatory standards for confident organizational engagement.